July 27, 2010

The ultimate style-staple: The Uniform Project's LBD

What if you had to wear one dress for 365 days? Sheena Matheiken imposed this task upon herself for an exercise in sustainable fashion and more importantly to raise money for the Akanksha Foundation in India. This foundation brings education to underprivileged children living in slums in Mumbai & Pune. With the Uniform Project she raised enough money for 289 children to go to school.

For 1 year Sheena re-invented this simple tunic-style dress with accessories of her own or ones donated by fans of the project. She uses colorful tights, funky hats & interesting jewelry to update her look. This versatile dress was designed by Sheena and friend, Eliza Starbuck. It is now available to
purchase from The Uniform Project or alternatively you could purchase the pattern & material & get your own tailor to re-create it! T
he dress is a reversible A-line classic that is flattering to all body types. The sales also support the Akanksha Foundation.

I never used to get a lot of mileage out of my wardrobe. But after discovering the Uniform Project I started looking into it and began mixing and matching my outfits and accessories, in an attempt to create a completely new look.

I'd recommend it, it's a lot of fun & recession proof.

July 21, 2010

When a cow laughs, does milk come out its nose?

I was looking around for designers from the region when I came across this one from Wasta. Wasta in Arabic means 'influence' or 'connections' (without which you can't get anything done in the Middle East). Wasta is a concept brand and a platform for design-related activities in the region.

I love this t-shirt because it reminds me of 'The Laughing Cow' also known as 'La vache qui rit' in French. Yup, the brand that makes the lovely spreadable cheesy wedge. It's a limited edition t-shirt (as are all t-shirts from Wasta) and is sold at Aura B, a Dubai-based online boutique that hosts collections from more than 60 designers. Aura B showcases designs from the region, ranging from fashion for men & women to art and even quirky furniture. For all the Dubai readers, delivery is free and your order will reach you within 48hrs. This tee is available for men & women in blue or white.

I've got my heart set on the blue one.

July 16, 2010

A Knockout Accessory

When I see the comic book onomatopoeias 'POW' 'BAM' 'THUD' what first comes to mind are the fight scenes in the 1960's TV series Batman (the one where Batman looks like he's had too much beer). These words were used first in comic books to capture the excitement & add an extra layer to an otherwise silent comic book.

And they've clearly been the inspiration for Janine Basil's Comic Sound FX Headbands that I found on Etsy. These machine embroidered headbands are made from polyester felt and are a fun accessory that can bring color to any outfit. And they're a great conversation starter.

The pink one's on my must-have list (perfect with my new Puma shoes).

July 14, 2010

Kicked about my new kicks!

I’d like to start off my blog by sharing my new kicks with you. I got these Puma's last week and I think they’re uber cool. The shoe is called the 'Puma 917 Lo Factory'.

I usually just go with my gut when it comes to buying clothes, shoes & accessories. I liked these so I bought them. While doing a little research for my blog post I found out that these shoes were inspired by Pop Art from the 60's and by Andy Warhol in particular. While Andy Warhol has influenced fashion in many ways, those 'Campbell Soup' print dresses aren't my thing.

But these retro fabric trainers definitely are!

The bold colors really pop. I love the sketched eyelets and the laces that look like they are painted on the shoe (like something out of a comic book!).

To make these stand out even more - as if they needed to - I wore them with a simple black tee and denim.